I saw a post similar to this yesterday on facebook about stupid questions people ask after you had a baby. I wanted to touch on this subject because it happens to everyone that has had a baby. I am also guilty of asking a few of these questions myself and I don't even realize how bad they sound until someone ask them to me.
I have to add in a few of my own silly questions that I've been asked or witnessed someone asking. My best friend was pregnant the same time I was (not planned i swear) and we both have had our share of people saying stupid things about our baby or home life. Here goes...
1. "Your daughter has such a beautiful mixed skin color! Is the father still around?" Please Lord help me. Did this lady just make a racist comment? I cannot tell you how many times this has happend to me and it honestly makes me sick. The majority of the people that ask this retarded question is elder women. Now I understand you grew up in a time where racist existed or you've seen a lot of black males abandon their children, but that is NOT an appropriate question to ask someone. Not only does it show how racist you are but it is very disrespectful to my daughter and boyfriend. If most of you haven't realized, white males leave too. Just as much as black males. And hey, here's another thing! White and black FEMALES abandon their kids too! I hate stereotypes because they don't allow people to be different. People assume that because you look a certain way, that you must act like the stereotype too. It's disgusting.
2. "Does the baby cry much?" Unless you are a child asking this question that didn't grow up with babies around, then go away. OBVIOUSLY my child cries. That's what babies do. Oh no I'm sorry, she doesn't cry. She literally got pulled out of me speaking and telling me she was hungry or needed to be changed or that she had a massive gas bubble in her stomach she couldn't get out. What the hell is wrong with you.
3. "She must not let you sleep at night, you look tired." Come again bitch? I know many moms don't feel like taking the effort to get ready everyday because they know they don't want throw up on their clothes and a big tshirt and yoga pants just look so much comfier, but I try my best. Somedays it is just easier and better to throw your hair in a bun and throw on whatever is clean, because you havent had time to do laundry in three weeks. Having a baby isn't easy and adding having to look gorgeous everyday to it and it becomes almost impossible. So excuse me if I'm not ready for my red carpet appereance,
4. "Your baby must look like the dad." Are you saying she doesn't look like me? If my boyfriend was standing with us then that would be an appropriate statement, but he's not. Why not just say she's adorable or whatever. I get it, my child looks a lot like her father, but you wouldn't know that unless he was standing there with us.
“Are you making sure to help your wife?” You know what, it’s the craziest thing. Now that she’s had the baby, I just don’t care about her anymore. Her job is done. Why treat her like something of value? She had a 7lb baby ripped from a gaping wound in her stomach (C-section), and ever since she’s been home from the hospital, I’ve been having her spend long hours in the kitchen making me sandwiches.The answer to your question is, yes! I have been very caring to my wife. In fact, I witnessed what the doctors did to her in order to make this little miracle happen. It was brutal. I almost passed out. And once it was all done, I realized that she’s the strongest person I know.
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