Thursday, August 14, 2014

Toxic Indulgences

I want to write about, sometimes, toxic indulgences. There are a million. Today, however, I am only going to mention the main one for women and the main one for men that I see.

Lord, give me strength. I do not mind a man that plays video games. Even a grown man. But when it gets to the point where you never leave the front of that TV, it becomes a problem. Men love to compete. No matter what it is, no matter where it is. They also tend to be a bit lazy. So a way to compete and not leave the house? Thus became video games. My boyfriend, I have to say, cut down a lot from the time that I met him when he was 17 to now. He really only plays with his coworkers when they come home from work. (he works the overnight and they get home around 5AM) I don't have much of a problem because I wake up at 530AM every morning and I go straight to getting Somaya and I ready. By the time I go down stairs to leave, he is either passed out, or finishing up. 

I have seen and heard about other men making it an addiction. They constantly have their headphones on and a controller in their hand. They hardly ever leave to TV and if they do it's because they need to pee or making something to eat. I have even seen some miss work. That is disgusting and immature. Grow up please.

Yes. YOU HAVE AN PROBLEM LADIES. If you have maxed out your credit cards, you have a problem. If you cannot leave a store without buying yourself something, you have a problem. If you will skip buying a necessity so that you can buy something for yourself, YOU HAVE A PROBLEM! C'mon, don't just point fingers at the boys. Women are so bad with shopping addictions. We honestly believe we "need" that $500 purse. I hate shopping because I hate trying on clothes and fishing through the racks. If I hired a personal stylist, then I would have a problem. 

Women will shop for any reason. Mad, sad, happy, depressed, excited, nervous... We will find any excuse in the book to shop. 

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